The C.A.R.E. Center focuses on assisting engineering students in successfully transitioning through a variety of challenging circumstances that can impact their lives.
The CARE Center is a central resource within the College of Engineering that works collaboratively with several units across the University to ensure comprehensive and cohesive support for our students, including our colleagues on central campus and Student Life.
We strive to respond to all student inquiries through personal attention and care. We partner with students to coordinate support and communication.
Our office provides a unique blend of services, as we assist Michigan Engineering students with personal, academic, or a combination of these matters pertaining to their experience within the University.
We work with you to understand your individual needs, help you navigate problem-solving options, and connect you to relevant resources. Even if you aren’t sure who to talk to, we can help. If we are not able to personally provide you with assistance, we’ll be sure to refer you to another individual or office that can.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Office hours, scheduled appointments, and same-day consultation are currently available both virtually and in-person. Please visit our appointment request page for more information.
For COVID-19 questions, please find more information here.
Mon. – Fri. 8:00 am-12:00 p.m.; 1-5:00 p.m.
Doc Marten Office Hours:
Currently on paws.
Request appointment with another staff member here.
Location: 129 Chrysler Center
The University of Michigan is full of wonderful resources for students, but navigating them can sometimes be a challenge. We try to streamline the help-seeking process by being an easy and central place to ask for help.
There are multiple routes to get the help you need.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list. Meet with CARE Center staff for an individualized assessment of your needs and relevant resources.
Services for Students with Disabilities Office
Services for Students with Disabilities Office website provides accommodations and access to students with disabilities.
Mental Health
Campus Mind Works
The Campus Mind Works website is designed to simplify access to the wide variety of mental health and academic support resources at the University of Michigan, and provide information to help students stay healthy and manage college life.
Community Provider Database
The Community Provider Database is a resource to search for private mental health care providers in the Ann Arbor area.
Counseling & Psychological Services
Counseling & Psychological Services: Activities and services that strengthen our campus to be supportive, engaged and, ultimately, connected around student mental health.
Engineering also has an embedded counselor. Find more information here. Email:
MiTalk is A mental health resource for all University of Michigan students.
Depression Center
The mission of the University of Michigan Comprehensive Depression Center is to detect depression and bipolar disorders earlier, treat more effectively, prevent recurrences and progression, counteract stigma, and improve public policy.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Psychiatric Emergency Services
Psychiatric Emergency services provides emergency/urgent walk-in evaluation and crisis phone services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for people of all ages.
Psychological Clinic
Psychological Clinic provides psychoeducational evaluations and evidence-based psychotherapy to students, staff, and faculty at the University of Michigan as well as members of the local community and southeast Michigan.
University Health Service (Stress & Mental Health Index)
Learn new ways to handle stress for better mental health through University Health Service (Stress & Mental Health Index).
Spiritual Health
Reflection Rooms on Campus
A quick guide to University of Michigan Reflection Rooms.
Faith & Spirituality Resources
Includes student groups, the Association of Religious Counselors, and LGBTQ+ affirming faith spaces.
General Health & Wellness
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program is a student-centered organization that uses evidence-based strategic interventions, collaboration, innovation and the incorporation of the wellness dimensions to reduce harmful consequences of alcohol and other drug use.
Please check this page for the latest information.
Dean of Students Office
RecSports and Physical Well-Being
Physical activity is important for your body and mind. These resources can help you stay active while dealing with changing work demands and limited access to fitness facilities.
· Using Your Body Weight (Intermediate) Guide – Includes strength and flexibility guidelines, and illustrations of exercises you can perform with your own body weight.
· Using Your Hand Weights Guide – Includes strength and flexibility guidelines, and illustrations of exercises you can perform with your hand weights.
· Desk Exercises – Break up your day with these exercises that require no equipment and can be done at your desk or at home.
Additionally, there’s the compiled a collection of resources and programs to support your well-being: Guide to Well-Being During the COVID19 Pandemic
University Health Service
University Health Service offers comprehensive clinical services plus support for your well-being. And most services are free for currently enrolled U-M students (Ann Arbor campus).
Well-being Resources
Discover campus resources that can help you with anything from homework to answering your financial questions. Search for resources by goal, wellness dimension, or by using search.
Wolverine Support Network
Wolverine Support Network empowers University of Michigan students to create an inclusive community and support each other’s identity, mental well-being, and day-to-day lives through peer-facilitated groups and bi-weekly community events.
Wolverine Wellness
Wolverine Wellness: Part of UHS that fosters personal & community well-being for U-M students, in college and beyond.
Social Wellness
Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs
Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA) engages the campus community and transforms the student experience to build inclusive spaces and equitable opportunities for all.
Spectrum Center
The Spectrum Center is committed to enriching the campus experience and developing students as individuals and as members of communities.
Trotter Multicultural Center
The Trotter Multicultural Center serves as a campus facilitator, convener, and coordinator of intercultural engagement and inclusive leadership education initiatives for University of Michigan students.
Wilson Student Team Project Center
The Wilson Student Team Project Center empowers student teams by providing a facility in which they can experience hands-on development and fabrication, enhance engineering theories, and allow members to use practical application of knowledge.
Michigan Engineering Scholarships & Fellowships
Information on Michigan Engineering Scholarships & Fellowships
Office of Financial Aid
Office of Student Affairs
Other funding opportunities may be available through the Office of Student Affairs.
Tuition Refund Insurance
Information can be found here.
Michigan Engineering Scholarships and Fellowships
Michigan Engineering Scholarships and Fellowships: A variety of funding resources for our new and current graduate students both internal to the University (e.g., department/program, College of Engineering, Rackham Graduate School and University of Michigan campus) as well as external (e.g., national labs, corporations, organizations, etc.)
Rackham Emergency Funding
Rackham Emergency Funding is intended to help meet the financial needs of Rackham graduate students who encounter an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expenses during their degree program.
Rackham General Funding
Rackham General Funding: Opportunities highlighted here range from large competitive fellowships that pay tuition and stipends, to targeted grants that assist with foreign language study, dissertation research, and conference travel, to emergency grants and awards designed to help students manage student loan debt.
Tuition Refund Insurance
Information for this year can be found here.
Campus Climate Concern Reporting
Campus Climate Concern Reporting: Report a campus climate concern.
Lab Safety Reporting
Lab Safety Reporting: Report a lab safety concern.
Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center
Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center provides resources regarding sexual assault prevention and awareness.
Sexual Misconduct Reporting & Resources
UM Division of Public Safety & Security
Advising resources
Academic calendar
Academic calendar: Important dates and deadlines.
Department advising
Engineering Advising Center
Engineering Advising Center for first year advising.
Tutoring & Academic Support
Departmental Tutoring Options
Your departmental advising office may have additional tutoring and academic resources for you
EECS Tutoring
EECS Tutoring resources.
Engineering Center for Academic Success
The ECAS offers a 24-hour study area with CAEN-supported computers and offers a variety of academic support services including free peer tutoring, Supplemental Instruction sessions for selected first and second-year courses, academic skill development workshops on topics such as time management and study skills, and practice exam sessions.
Mathematics Private Tutor
Mathematics Private Tutor: List of tutoring resources.
MathLab: A walk-in tutoring service available free to all U-M students during the Fall and Winter term.
Physics Help Room
Physics Help Room: Resources for students taking introductory physics courses.
Problem Roulette
Problem Roulette (PR) is a point-free study service that offers topical access to a library of locally-authored exam problems in selected foundational courses at the University of Michigan.
Science Learning Center Tutoring
The Science Learning Center (SLC) is sponsored by the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) to support teaching and learning in the natural sciences.
Sweetland Writing Center
The Sweetland Center for Writing, a comprehensive writing center, exists to support student writing at all levels and in all forms and modes.
Extracurricular / co-curricular
Honors and Engagement
If you are ready to be challenged beyond the scope of traditional classroom experiences and are looking for an enriching community, then the College of Engineering Honors Program could be the perfect way to explore your talents and passions.
International Programs in Engineering
International Programs in Engineering: Study abroad and other international opportunities.
M-STEM: Our six-week summer transition program allows students to explore STEM careers, engage in academic and professional development, network with UM faculty and corporations, gain a family of UM peers and become acclimated to all the resources UM has to offer.
Multi-disciplinary Design Program
The Multidisciplinary Design Program provides 800+ experiential (“learn by doing”) opportunities
for students from across the university every year.
Living/learning Communities
ArtsEngine’s mission is to inspire, foster, and strengthen intellectual collisions and durable collaborative practices driven by the arts, design, engineering, and technology to fully maximize the potential of students and faculty on North Campus.
Academic Policies
Academic policies and regulations established by Rackham.
Academic Records and Dissertations
Academic Records and Dissertations: Provides information and support to students and program staff and faculty by maintaining academic records, approving degrees, and providing guidance regarding Rackham and University policies and procedures.
Leave of Absences
Rackham’s Leave of Absence Policy enables students to officially suspend work toward their degree for a limited time.
How to get the mentoring that you want (guide)
How to get the mentoring that you want (guide): Information on mentoring.
Navigating your Degree
Info for navigating your Rackham graduate degree.
Academic Support
Department Resources
For specific resources available within your department, please use this link to contact your Graduate Chair or Graduate Coordinator:
Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education
Sweetland Writing Center
Sweetland Writing Center: Writing center resources for graduate students.
College of Engineering Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Grade Grievances
Grade Grievances: Information on grade grievances.
Office of Student Conflict Resolution
The Office of Student Conflict Resolution promotes a safe and scholarly community in which students navigate conflict in a peaceful, socially just, and self-reflexive manner.
Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office
ECRT staff provides guidance, support and delivery of programming, services and educational initiatives to University faculty, staff, and students to support diversity, inclusiveness, equal access, equitable treatment, cultural understanding and the prevention of prohibited discrimination and harassment.
The Office of the Ombuds at the University of Michigan is a place where all students are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, concern, problem, or dispute.
College of Engineering Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education
Grade Grievances
Grade Grievances: Information on grade grievances.
Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office
ECRT staff provides guidance, support and delivery of programming, services and educational initiatives to University faculty, staff, and students to support diversity, inclusiveness, equal access, equitable treatment, cultural understanding and the prevention of prohibited discrimination and harassment.
Office of Student Conflict Resolution
The Office of Student Conflict Resolution promotes a safe and scholarly community in which students navigate conflict in a peaceful, socially just, and self-reflexive manner.
The Office of the Ombuds at the University of Michigan is a place where all students are welcome to come and talk in confidence about any campus issue, concern, problem, or dispute.
Rackham Academic Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures
Rackham’s Academic Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures are available to Rackham students who have a dispute or disagreement with faculty or staff about the equity and fairness of decisions or procedures that affect their academic standing, the conduct of their research, and progress toward the degree.
Research and ethics compliance
Ethics and compliance in research covers a broad range of activity from general guidelines about conducting research responsibly to specific regulations governing a type of research (e.g., human subjects research).
Beyond the Diag
Beyond the Diag: UM’s off campus housing program within the Dean of Students Office.
Maize & Blue Cupboard
Maize & Blue Cupboard: Offers resources, educational opportunities, compassionate support and more, we help students develop the skills to make informed decisions regarding food insecurity.
Safehouse Center
Safehouse Center: Provides support for those impacted by domestic violence or sexual assault.
Campus Map
Information on UM libraries.
Logistics, Transportation, and Parking
Logistics, Transportation, and Parking information.
Shuttle Tracker (Magic Bus)
Where to Fax
Fax, Copy, and Scan Services through SORC.